Thursday, October 31, 2013

Two minus one

The words have changed. And language is taking its toll once again. Or maybe it is math that is causing this mayhem.
Where there were two, it is now one. Where it was us, it is now I. We are no longer....oops there is no we. It is now me. Couple? Nope single. Together is now alone. Mr. & Mrs. is now, can you believe this? I was addressed as Miss while  at a store tonight.

From Wikipedia a glimmer of hope: "The singular 'they' is the use of this pronoun as a gender-neutral singular rather than as a plural pronoun." So I can still be a 'they'? The entry continues: "The correctness of this usage is disputed." Hope is dashed.

Went to lunch with a friend and we were seated at a cute little table for two. Do they have cute little tables at restaurants for one? Walking through the bar area on way to bathroom I noticed several women eating alone. And noted where they were sitting. At the bar, you have the illusion of a space for one. At one of the tiny raised tables—yes a table for one. Perfect. I'll keep that in mind.

I can no longer drive in the HOV lane. Where do I sit in the movie theater? Dare I go out to a fancy restaurant and be asked, "Are you waiting for someone?" Or "Will someone be joining you?" How do I visit a museum or go to a play or a concert? I've always shared these experiences. Can I enjoy them alone?

The bed has two sides, I occupy only one. Meals are single place settings. Only my phone rings. I sit on the couch alone. Go to the grocery store to buy food for only me. Do my own laundry. And come home to the cats.

Friends are still couples. I listen to what "they" did. Everywhere I look there are couples. Is this our natural state? I was mine for my entire adult life.

They say time heals everything—well I'm waiting.

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