Life goes on. One moment at a time. One foot in front of the other. I'm sure there are other homilies. I go thru the list continually. I feel things getting better, I keep myself busy, and then when I least expect it Wham!
I was going through some of boxes and I came across a small velvet pouch. Of course I had to see what was inside. Just a small traveling picture frame. Oh no!

Rob had been traveling to California for his psychology degrees, Masters and then PhD in Clinical Psychology. He'd spend one week a month out there. I remembered
when he bought frame, he said he wanted to put it on the night table by the bed in the hotel room.
I now opened the hinged frame and there is a picture of me on one side and
our two cats on the other.
Boy did I lose it.
See its the small stuff
that sneaks up on you.
Oh god this rang so true to me it s always when you think you are doing fine that it bites the hardest!!! Even after 16 years! X