While in the kitchen I see the broom leaning against the counter with a pile of dirt neatly swept up. But not picked up. I don't even remember doing this. So I go into the garage to get the dust pan. My eyes fall on a bin filled with all the items I took out of my car, a month ago when I brought it in for service. The thought was that I would go through each item and see if I really needed it in the trunk. But that was a month ago.
I pause. Think about dealing with this now. Realize I better continue on my errand. If I can only remember what it is. Oh yes the dust pan. Back to kitchen and sweep up the pile of dirt and put it into the garbage. Which reminds me of the garbage bag I need for the litter box. Get one from under the sink and return the dust pan to the garage.
Where I notice that the small garbage can in the corner is missing a garbage bag. And look I have one in my hand! As I turn to go back into the house I see on the steps a container of new kitty litter. Great I'm on the path toward completing a task.
Pick up litter container, stop and get a new garbage bag from under the sink. Walk through the living room on my way......oh the music has stopped. I walk over to the couch and fiddle with the iPhone to get it working with the AppleTV on the big screen over the fireplace. As I try and figure out HDM1 or HDM2 I vaguely remember I was doing something when I got distracted.
As I get up from the couch I trip over the litter container. Ah that's what I was doing. And head for the basement. I clean the litter box! Yippe Ki Yay! But what is with this roll of packing tape that I'm wearing as a bracelet? Grief rots your brain.
You may have lost your mind, but your sense of humor is intact!